
Stock Art License

You may use images created by me for personal and commercial purposes, with the following restrictions:

  • You may not use them as part of AI generated artworks
  • You may not use them in a defamatory or unlawful manner
  • You may not use them in any way that promotes hatred or intolerance
  • You may not re-sell or re-distribute them
  • You may not use them for items where the images are the primary value of the product
  • If used in a printed/printable product, you must credit the artist as Anita Fisher somewhere in the work

To give some examples as clarification…

If you’re a GM and want to use an image for a player handout or a token, you’re free to do so. Attribution is not required in this case (although it’s always appreciated)

If you’ve created a TTRPG module as a PDF, HTML page, hard/softcover or similar and plan to sell it, you are allowed to use these images as spot/cover art, but you must credit the artist as Anita Fisher somewhere in the document.

You’re not allowed to use them to create products where the image(s) are the primary selling point. So, for instance, you could use the image of Bob the Mage as spot art for a TTRPG module (where the written content of the module would be the primary selling point), but you are not allowed to use the image of Bob the Mage to sell “Bob the Mage” T-shirts, posters, mugs, cat food bowls etc.