• “The Curse of Poularia” is about to be released!

    “The Curse of Poularia” is about to be released!

    Right now I’m putting the finishing touches to my D&D 5e one-shot adventure “The Curse of Poularia” – check out the newly-finished cover art!

    This is also the final week to get your hands on a free beta-testing copy here: tinyurl.com/467h3e59 – all I ask in return is feedback. I plan to publish on the 1st of September, so you only have until then to grab it.

  • A Major Change of Plans

    So, after a really stressful start of the year, things have come to a head and I find myself without a job. On one hand that causes me a bit of anxiety (I’m over 50, so not ideal employment material by now), but on the other hand it does feel rather liberating. I have a bit of money put away, so I can afford to take some time off before looking for something else. Hell, who knows, I might even change careers! I do love software development, but I feel that the jobs are getting more and more stressful as time progresses.

    Or maybe I’m just getting old 🙂

    Either way, I got the news shortly after enrolling into an RPG writing workshop, so I shall use this unexpected time off to do some writing, but also to improve my artwork, with a view to possibly selling adventures or resources as a means to supplement my income. I will post here for a weekly(ish) summary of what’s happening, but you can also follow me on social media for updates as they are happening – links are in the sidebar over there —–>

  • Another Year, another attempt at this blog

    OK, this time I’m determined to get this off the ground. At some point I have to get it together, right?

    So, what’s been happening? Well, I’ve started streaming on Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/anitafisher – come join me when I’m playing games!

    I also want to get better at my art. I really want to do illustrations, and continue “One Clown Short” on webtoons. This is going to be my main goal for the year, and I’m going to try this one-year-plan by Marc Brunet that I found on YouTube. Results will be posted here as well as on my social media accounts, so watch this space!